Brzy opět nastane čas, kdy se nejlepší freeskieři na scéně sejdou ve snowparku Stubai Zoo na zahájení Světového poháru ve slopestylu, který se letos koná již poosmé. Nahlédli jsme do zákulisí akce a zastihli jsme šéfa organizačního výboru Ericha Flatschera a šéfa trati Mikea Sonnenbergera, abychom si s nimi popovídali o přípravách, výzvách a zajímavostech akce.
Šéf OC Erich Flatscher pořádá Světový pohár ve freeski Stubai jménem Rakouského lyžařského svazu již poosmé. Má celkové vedení akce a úzce spolupracuje s ÖSV, FIS, ledovcem Stubai a dalšími partnery. U příležitosti nadcházejícího Světového poháru jsme Erichovi položili několik otázek.
Erichu, Světový pohár ve freeski se v listopadu 2024 poosmé pojede ve snowparku Zoo Stubai - jak probíhají přípravy?
Přípravy probíhají podle plánu. Pracujeme v sehraném týmu a můžeme tak stavět na mnoha cenných zkušenostech. Brzký nástup zimy ve vysokých horách také opět zvýšil naše očekávání.
Jaké jsou největší výzvy spojené s touto akcí?
Jako venkovní akce ve vysokohorském prostředí jste velmi závislí na počasí. Před akcí i během ní nám počasí často přináší řadu výzev! Od příliš malého množství sněhu až po příliš velké množství sněhu, příliš vysoké nebo příliš nízké teploty. A samozřejmě vítr. V loňském roce jsme kvůli bouřce nemohli uspořádat sobotní finále. Existuje mnoho možných scénářů. To vyžaduje profesionální myšlení spojené s velkou mírou flexibility a přizpůsobivosti všech zúčastněných.
Proč je ledovec Stubai ideálním místem pro zahajovací závod Světového poháru ve freestylu?
Podmínky v tomto ročním období jsou na stubaiském ledovci téměř jedinečné a za dobrých povětrnostních podmínek je stubaiská ZOO dokonalým hřištěm pro freeskiery a snowboardisty. Jsme rádi, že můžeme toto prostředí využít v rámci mezinárodních závodů a že ho můžeme postavit do centra pozornosti.
Na co se mohou diváci - jak na místě, tak při finále na ORF1 a mezinárodních televizních kanálech - těšit?
Na napínavou soutěž se spoustou akce a doufejme, že i s rakouskou účastí na stupních vítězů.
Mike Sonnenberger a jeho společnost Schneestern jsou zodpovědní za trať Světového poháru ve freeski a utvářeli Snowpark Stubai Zoo. Pro Světový pohár je zodpovědný za trať jako Chief of Course a musí naplánovat a realizovat trať podle oficiálních předpisů. S Mikem jsme se sešli na krátký rozhovor.
Miku, Snowpark Stubai Zoo už na podzim nabízí perfektní podmínky pro mezinárodní závody - jaké výzvy pro vás představuje úspěšné uspořádání závodu?
Největší výzvou je určitě nejprve vytvořit základní podobu parku. Vzhledem k jeho orientaci máme slunce téměř po celý den. To znamená, že základní tvar se každé léto mění a my si musíme nejprve ověřit, jak na tom budeme na podzim. Jsme také stoprocentně závislí na přírodním sněhu, protože sníh nevyrábíme. Pak je také třeba si uvědomit, že jsme ve výšce přes 3 000 metrů, takže přeprava veškerého vybavení je logisticky náročná. Zvlášť když se v této nadmořské výšce těžko předpovídají povětrnostní podmínky.
Prime Park Sessions v Zoo Stubai využívají sportovci k finálním úpravám. Je to pro vás jakási generální zkouška na sestavení profesionální sestavy pro závody?
Ne tak docela, protože vlastně musíme stavět jak Prime, tak Pro Line současně, abychom byli schopni obě lajny sladit. Tak můžeme zajistit, aby jedna linka nebyla ovlivněna probíhajícími stavebními pracemi.
Jak dlouho vám bude trvat, než bude snowpark v Zoo Stubai připraven na zimu a Světový pohár?
Přesnou dobu trvání výstavby Proline je těžké zobecnit, zhruba řečeno pracujeme asi pět dní na podobě základní kubatury a pak dalších pět až osm dní na výstavbě Proline. Nakonec ji opět upravujeme zhruba tři až čtyři dny, abychom získali finální sestavu pro akci.
A na závěr otázka pro vás oba: Jaký je váš osobní vrchol Světového poháru ve freeski na ledovci Stubai?
Erich: Je jich vlastně velmi, velmi mnoho a neexistuje žádný konkrétní žebříček. Nicméně týmová dynamika během týdne závodu a pocit ze společného zvládnutí tohoto projektu a jeho výzev je převažujícím vrcholem. Opravdu se na to znovu těším!
Mike: Pro mě osobně je to moment, kdy akce skončí, protože tehdy z člověka opadne napětí a může si uvědomit, že z daných podmínek vytěžil maximum a - doufejme - uspokojil všechny zúčastněné.
Moc děkuji za rozhovor!
Veškeré informace o Světovém poháru ve freeski od 20. do 23. listopadu 2024 ve snowparku Stubai Zoo najdete zde. A pro všechny, kteří se nemohou zúčastnit: Finále bude vysílat ORF 1 a další mezinárodní televizní stanice.
Další akce na ledovci Stubai najdete v kalendáři akcí.
Položku nelze zobrazit. Chcete-li položku zobrazit, přijměte marketingové soubory cookie.
Na našem webu se používají soubory cookie. Některé z nich jsou povinné, zatímco jiné nám umožňují zlepšit vaši uživatelskou zkušenost na našich webových stránkách.
Essential cookies are required for basic website functions. This ensures that the website functions properly.
Storage of the cookie settings made by the user.
The Oliver Pfaff cookie banner is used on our website to store your cookie settings on your computer for a period of 365 days.
Weather information
We provide current weather data on our website, which we obtain from Geosphere Austria via an interface. This data is used to inform our users about the current weather conditions in the region.
No further processing of personal data takes place.
live streaming
Live streams of the webcams installed in our area are made available in a player on our website.
Any data processing is only carried out for the desired technical provision of the player and in the interest of a useful experience of our online offer for you.
No further processing of personal data takes place.
Presentation of external social-media-feeds,
To integrate external social media feeds or content on our website, we use the plug-in solution ‘Flockler’ from the provider Flockler FI. ‘Flockler’ is a social media aggregator tool to curate social media feeds and present social media content that we believe is relevant and inspiring to you.
Data processing only takes place for the desired technical provision in the interest of a useful experience of our online offer for you.
Google Consent Mode v2 is an important update to improve data protection and data compliance. It is an interface that informs Google about the website user's consent to the use of cookies.
Marketing cookies include tracking and statistics cookies. You can find more information in our data privacy statement.
Administration of tools and plugins
Here you can find out exactly where Google data centres are located:
The Google Tag Manager service is used on our website.
The Tag Manager is a service that allows us to manage website tags via an interface. This allows us to add code snippets such as tracking codes or conversion pixels to websites without interfering with the source code. The Tag Manager only forwards the data, but neither collects nor stores it. The Tag Manager itself is a cookie-less domain and does not process any personal data, as it is used purely to manage other services in our online offer.
When the Google Tag Manager is started, the browser establishes a connection to Google's servers. These are mainly located in the USA. As a result, Google becomes aware that our website has been accessed via the IP address of a user.
The Tag Manager ensures the resolution of other tags, which in turn may collect data. However, the Tag Manager does not access this data. If deactivation has been carried out at domain or cookie level, this remains in place for all tracking tags that are implemented with the Tag Manager.
Integration of video content, collection of statistical data
We use the YouTube service on our website to embed external videos.
We have activated the extended data protection mode on YouTube. According to YouTube, this mode means that YouTube does not store any information about visitors to this website before they watch a video. However, the transfer of data to YouTube partners is not excluded by the extended data protection mode.
As soon as a YouTube video is started on our website, a connection to the YouTube servers is established. This tells YouTube which of our pages you have visited. If you are logged into your YouTube account, you enable YouTube to assign your surfing behaviour directly to your personal profile. This can be prevented by logging out of your account.
Furthermore, YouTube may store various cookies on your end device after starting a video or use comparable technologies (e.g. device fingerprinting). YouTube also uses local storage on your device. In this way, YouTube can obtain information about visitors to this website. This information is used, among other things, to record video statistics, improve user-friendliness and prevent attempts at fraud.
Web analysis, performance measurement, conversion tracking, collection of statistical data
Here you can find out exactly where Google data centres are located:
We use the functions of the web analysis service Google Analytics on our website to analyse user behaviour and to optimise our website. The reports provided by Google are used to analyse the performance of our website and to measure the success of possible campaigns via our website.
Google Analytics uses cookies that enable us to analyse the use of our website.
Information about the use of the website such as browser type/version, operating system used, the previously visited page, host name of the accessing computer (IP address), time of the server enquiry is generally transmitted to a Google server and stored there. We have concluded a contract with Google for this purpose.
Google will use this information on our behalf to analyse the use of our website, to compile reports on the activities within our website and to provide us with further services associated with the use of our website and the Internet. According to Google, the IP address transmitted by your browser will not be merged with other Google data.
We only use Google Analytics with IP anonymisation activated by default. This means that the IP address of a user is truncated by Google within member states of the European Union or in other signatory states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and truncated there. According to Google, the IP address transmitted by a user's browser as part of Google Analytics is not linked to other Google data.
Furthermore, the following is recorded:
This data is essentially processed by Google for its own purposes, such as profiling (without our influence).
The data on the use of our website will be deleted immediately after the end of the retention period set by us. Google Analytics specifies a standard retention period of 2 months for user and event data, with a maximum retention period of 14 months. This retention period also applies to conversion data. The following options are available for all other event data: 2 months, 14 months, 26 months (Google Analytics 360 only), 38 months (Google Analytics 360 only), 50 months (Google Analytics 360 only). We choose the shortest storage period that corresponds to our intended use. You can ask us at any time about the retention period we have currently set.
Data that has reached the end of its retention period is automatically deleted once a month.
Administration of tools and plugins
Here you can find out exactly where Google data centres are located:
The Google Ads service is used on this website for the purpose of advertising our products and services. Google Ads is Google's in-house online advertising system.
It is important for us to know whether an interested visitor ultimately becomes our customer. Conversion tracking is used to measure this. We also want to be able to address our website visitors again in a targeted manner. We achieve this through so-called remarketing (retargeting).
Google Ads is used for both conversion tracking and remarketing, i.e. we can recognise what has happened after you have clicked on one of our ads. In order for this service to work, cookies are used and visitors are sometimes added to remarketing lists in order to be shown certain advertising campaigns.
This is done by means of a pseudonymous identification number (pID), which is assigned to a user's browser. This pID enables the service to recognise which ads have already been displayed to a user and which have been viewed. The data is used to display adverts across websites by enabling Google to identify the pages visited.
Our aim is to use Google Ads to target our website’s offers to those visitors who are actually interested in what we have to offer. The data from conversion tracking enables us to measure the benefit of individual advertising measures and optimise our website for our visitors. Conversion can be measured through the use of cookies.
The Remarketing service/tag can be used to show you adverts from us on other websites after you have visited our website. This is done by means of cookies stored in your browser, which are used by Google to record and evaluate your usage behaviour when you visit various websites. This allows Google to recognise your previous visit to our website. According to its own statements, Google does not merge the data collected in the context of remarketing with your personal data, which may be stored by Google. In particular, according to Google, pseudonymisation is used for remarketing.
The information generated is transferred by Google to a server in the USA for analysis and stored there. A transfer of data by Google to third parties only takes place on the basis of legal regulations or in the context of order data processing. Under no circumstances will Google link a user's data with other data collected by Google.
Measuring the success of campaigns
Here you can find out exactly where Google data centres are located:
We use Google Floodlight on our website, a tool from the Google Marketing Platform, to measure and optimise the effectiveness of our digital marketing campaigns. Floodlight enables us to track and analyse certain actions that users take on our website, such as purchases, registrations or filling out forms.
We use the tool in Google Display & Video 360 (DV360) and Google Campaign Manager 360 (CM360), which are components of the Google Marketing Platform.
Google Floodlight uses cookies and similar technologies to collect information about your use of our website. This information includes:
This data is transferred to Google servers and stored there. Google uses this information to compile reports for us and to help us improve our marketing measures.
The data collected by Google Floodlight helps us to evaluate and optimise the performance of our marketing campaigns by enabling us to see which campaigns and ads trigger the desired actions on our website. This allows us to refine our marketing strategies and provide you with more relevant and useful content.
The information generated is transferred by Google to a server in the USA for analysis and stored there. Google may also use this data to improve its own services. However, your data will not be passed on to third parties without your consent, unless this is required by law or necessary to enforce Google's terms of use and legal agreements.
Web analysis, tracking (conversion)
The meta pixel service of the social network Facebook is used on our website for the analysis, optimisation and economic operation of our online offer.
With the help of meta pixels, Meta is able to determine the visitors to our website as a target group for the display of personalised ads.
Accordingly, we use meta pixels to display the adverts placed by us only to those users (retargeting / remarketing) who have also shown an interest in our online offer or who have certain characteristics (e.g. interests in certain topics or products determined on the basis of the websites visited) that we transmit to Meta (so-called ‘custom audiences’). With the help of meta pixels, we also want to ensure that our meta ads correspond to the potential interest of users and are not annoying.
Furthermore, we can use meta pixels to track the effectiveness of meta adverts for statistical and market research purposes by seeing whether users were redirected to our website after clicking on a meta advert (so-called ‘conversion’).
Your actions are stored in one or more cookies. These cookies enable Meta to match your user data (such as IP address, user ID) with the data of your Facebook account and can also be used by Meta for its own advertising purposes. This Facebook conversion tracking also allows Facebook and its partners to show you adverts inside and outside Facebook.
The data collected is anonymous and cannot be viewed by us and can only be used in the context of adverts. You can prevent the link to your Facebook account by logging out before taking any action.
To set which types of adverts are displayed to you within Facebook, you can go to the page set up by Meta and follow the instructions on the settings for usage-based advertising:
The settings are platform-independent, i.e. they are adopted for all devices, such as desktop computers or mobile devices.