Family | Skiing

Barrier-free ski area between 1,695m and 3,000m+

When building the new 3S Eisgratbahn great emphasis was placed on barrier-free access: you can get in and out of the spacious cabins of the 3S-cabins independently and at ground level. The Eisgratbahn mountain station at 2,900m is also the favourite starting point of bob riders.

The following barrier-free services are available:

  • parking spots for the disabled in immediate proximity to the Eisgrat base station and the ticket office
  • barrier-free toilets at the valley and mountain stations of the 3S Eisgratbahn as well as the Gamsgartenbahn
  • Barrier-free access to the 3S Eisgratbahn and the Schaufejochbahn
  • Barrier-free access to all T-bar lifts
  • Transport with your bob also in the chairlifts
  • Barrier-free access to all restaurants


From a disability of 60% you will get the youth tariff upon presentation of your handicapped ID.


Barrier-free skiing holidays in the Tyrol, Stubai Valley - Accommodations

Not only on the Stubai Glacier we place great emphasis on the barrier-free skiing and access at ground level. In the Stubai Valley, also some accommodations have specialised on people with special needs and are extremely popular, among others with the monoski national team.