Ski Austria Snowpark Day II

Ski Austria is offering an Austria-wide "Coaching Tour" in the country's best snow parks again this year.
Stubai Zoo

We are Freestyle!!!

The SKI AUSTRIA SNOWPARK DAYS, snowpark coaching days for FREESKI and SNOWBOARD, is the most successful freestyle junior series and in winter 24/25 back at the Stubai Glacier.

Motivated girls and boys from 8-16 years have the opportunity to let off steam in the snowpark for a whole day under the supervision of trained trainers.

Date II at the Stubai Glacier:

13th of April 2025

The most important info briefly summarized:

  • For all freeski and snowboard interested people from 8-16 years old
  • Basic ski and snowboard knowledge required (red - black slopes)
  • Fun and enthusiasm in a safe environment
  • Free of charge for registered participants:inside (lift ticket not included). 

Course of events:

  • special freeski/snowboard warm-up
  • Morning training with the coaches
  • lunch break together
  • Afternoon training with the coaches

Whether you are interested in the sport and want to take your first steps in the snow park or you are already an experienced freestyler on skis or snowboard and are looking for tips on how to implement or perfect new tricks: At the Stubai Glacier you have the opportunity to do so. Trained trainers offer coaching in a safe environment and are available for advice and support. Each individual's skills can be taken to the next level, with fun and enthusiasm for the sport always in the foreground. 

Click here for free registration.

The freeski coaches are looking forward to a great day with you! More information and dates throughout Austria can be found here.